About Us

We solve global challenges across the natural and built environment through world leading education, research and innovation.

About Us

Skempton Building

What we do

It gives me great pleasure to introduce the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering. We focus on interactions between the built environment and the natural world and recognise that civil and environmental engineering are crucial to meeting the major challenges faced by society; including climate change, economic recovery, growing population and urbanisation, conservation of natural resources, development of renewable energy sources, sustainable transport, environmental quality and infrastructure ageing and resilience. Our graduates possess the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to lead society's response to these challenges.

Professor Washington Yotto Ochieng, FREng  
- Head of Department

Aerial photo of the College

Our vision

  • To advance the very basic science at the core of civil engineering and its sub-disciplines.
  • To explore opportunities for discovery at the intersections of existing disciplines.
  • Build a future without walls by participation in cross-disciplinary research teams to address the world's most challenging problems.
  • Foster long-term, strategic relationships with companies, foundations, governmental organisations, and other partners to advance research.
  • Nurture and develop the next generation of globally recognised engineers and researchers.
  • To engage with the world and communicate the importance and benefits of science to society. 

Our community in numbers*

Our academics

  • 50+ full-time academic staff
  • 20 part-time, honorary and visiting
  • 50+ research staff
  • 40+ Professional Services and Technicians staff 

Our student population

  • 225 PhD students
    67% male; 33% female
    48 nationalities
  • 314 MSc students
    61% male; 39% female
    53 nationalities
  • 367 Undergraduates 
    71% male; 29% female
    45 nationalities
  • Total 906 students
    67% male; 33% female

* all numbers are approximate

Contact the Department

Civil and Environmental Engineering
Skempton Building
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London, SW7 2AZ

+44 (0)20 7594 5929 / 5932 / 5931
Email: cvenquiries@imperial.ac.uk

We are located in the Skempton Building (building number 27 on the South Kensington Campus Map). How to find us